St John's Catholic Primary School

To Live in Love

Homework Guide


Spellings will be set on Thursdays and tested the following Thursday. Spelling lists and scores will be posted on Seesaw every week. It is important for children to practise their spellings every week in preparation for their weekly tests.



In Year 6, children are expected to read for 20 minutes 6 nights per week. Children need to read for sustained periods of time so they can access a range of lengthy texts in preparation for both Sats and for high school. Each Friday children are asked to return any books they have read and a new banded book and library book can be chosen to take home to read over the week. A member of staff will check the use of Active Learn - Bug Club on a weekly basis. As a reward, Dojo points will be awarded to our bookworms.


Times Tables:

Year 6 should now be able to recall multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 as well as recall their corresponding division fact for example 6 x 7 = 42, 42 divided by 6 = 7. They should be able to recall these facts within 3 seconds. In order to improve recall, we recommend practising using apps like hit the button. Your child will be set times tables homework weekly. Children will also be asked to consolidate learning done in school by completing activities on My Maths.

My Maths homework is set every Thursday. Children are expected to access and complete this learning each week.